Dogs from our past or no longer in our breeding program.

AM. CH. Tralyn Classic Crest |
CH. Tralyn Classic Crest, or better known to all
his friends as Chinook, was our first
Berner. Since he was bought for my daughter, he carries
a kennel name that I made for her. Tralyn comes from Tracy
Lorrine. His name is also carried down through the years
as I have often added v Crest to many names
of our dogs. That v Crest comes from Chinooks
name. Chinook lived to be 10.5 years. What a grand dog he
was.... |

AM. CH. Santera Chastity
v Bevs |
CH. Santera Chastity v Bevs - Chassie,
was the beginning of our female line here at Santera. Chassie
finished her championship with 2 five point majors. The
last win was a Best of Breed over Specials. She was OFA
Excellent and produced some lovely pups, especially out
of her breeding with CH. Alex von Weissenberg, a Swiss import.
In that first litter from Alex, four finished their championship.
Chassie is recognized as a top producer by the Bernese Mountain
Dog Club of America. We did lose Chassie before it was time
for her to go and what a heartbreaker that was. She died
at 5.5 years of cancer. |

AM. CH. Santera Rio Grando
v Crest |
CH. Santera Rio Grando v Crest - Rio, was
one of the Chassie/Alex kids. We kept him and his sister,
Fiery, here from that litter. What outstanding dogs they
were. Both were OFA certified with Rio getting an Excellent
rating like his dam. Fiery had a good. We were only able
to use Rio a few times with our own girls since we only
had 2 girls at that time to breed. He especially produced
some nice puppies from Santera Ebony Barona v Bevs.
Fiery produced our Santera Ariel Starfire, Ariel. Rio was
recognized by the BMDCA as a top obedience producer. He
sired 4 champions in limited breeding. We lost both Fiery
and Rio within 2 months of each other at the age of 10.
They had other brothers that lived to be 11, 12, and 13. |

Santera Ariel Starfire
Santera Ariel Starfire
Memorial: On October 11, 2002,
we lost one special lady...Santera Ariel Starfire. She
was better known to her friends as Ariel. Ariel was our
official house greeter and never met a person she didn't
like. She lived well up until a few days before she died.
She died just 4 days shy of her 12th birthday. She leaves
us with many memories but also many empty places in our
home and our hearts. We shall greatly miss her. |

AM. CH. Santera Harmony v
Crest |
CH. Santera Harmony v Crest - Harmony, gave
us those special females to move forward with. She herself
finished easily and went Best Senior Puppy at the Wisconsin
National Specialty when she was 16 months old. She tended
to have small litters and very few males. She was bred to
AM. CH. De-Lis Standing Ovation and produced 2 daughters
that were later used for breeding - Santera
Changing Tempo and Santera Nina Allegra - both of which
produced at least one champion. She was also bred to AM.
CH. Mentmore Sequoia and produced Santera Tob Melody
Noel who has produced several champions to date. We lost
Harmony when she was almost 11. |

Santera Changing Tempo
Changing Tempo - Tempi, was one of 6
female pups born to AM. CH. De-Li's Standing Ovation
and our AM. CH. Santera
Harmony v Crest. She was from Harmony's 2nd litter.
Harmony's first litter to Clay only produced 3 males.
She was a beautiful moving female with a sound body
but was never finished. We just did not get her out
as a young female and she was never fond of showing.
She produced some of our best producers (Santera
Ria Remembrance, a Sequoia daughter, and AM.
CH. Santera Lucka v Crest, a Gannon daughter). We
lost Tempi just one month shy of her 11th birthday.
What a sweet dog she was.
Memorial: On February
27, 2003, we lost one of our quiet girls whose main
goal in life was to be with us. She was a beautiful
moving female who gave us two of our favorite females,
Santera Ria Rembrance (Remi) and AM. CH. Santera Lucka
v Crest. Our wish was her desire to please. She died
about 6 weeks before her 11th birthday....just about
the same age as her dam, Ch.Santera Harmony v Crest.
We shall miss our quiet lady.

AM. CH. Mentmore's Sequoia
CH. Mentmores Sequoia - Sequoia,
was nine months old when we bought him from Diane Bussey
on a co-ownership to bring him here to Santera. He was
a tall dog with lots of bone, fantastic personality, and
a beautiful head. We showed him at 10 months at his first
show and got his first point. After that he grew more
and ended up not fully maturing until he was four. When
Sequoia was ready to finish, he did it quickly. He finished
in about a 2 month period. He weighed about 117 pounds
and was probably around 27 inches tall. He was bred to
our Harmony, Tempi, and Ariel. Several of the Tempi and
Harmony daughters have been good producers for us. We
lost Sequoia right before his seventh birthday. |

AM. CH. Santera Nadia's Sonata
CH. Santera Nadias Sonata - Nadia,
was out of Sequoia and a sister to Tempi. We took her
as a stud puppy and kept her here till she was almost
two. She was always an female full of life and definitely
knew what she wanted. Since we could not keep her as a
house dog at all times, we gave her to our friends, Carol
and Ken Lingley, on a CO-ownership. She has been bred
three times. She was bred to AM.
CH. Santera Blazin' Fire v Crest, AM. CH. Tallpine's
Black Mail v Bev's, and to AM.
CH. Santera Santos v Crest. Her litter out of AM.
CH. Tallpine's Black Mail v Bev's produced 2 very nice
females, AM. CH. Caroling In The Treetop and AM.
CH. Santera Lyrical Sheena. Both Sheena and Lark finished
their championships from Bred-By.

AM. CH. Santera Blazin' Fire v Crest
CH. Santera Blazin Fire v Crest - Blazer,
was born the same year as Remi. We lost Rio and his sister,
Fiery, about the same time so we name Remi after Rio and
Blazer after Fiery. Blazer was a nice sound boy with OFA
good hips/elbows. He finished easily at 2 years of age
by winning Breed over Specials. When he was a little over
3 years, he became sterile; therefore, we let him go to
his own home where he makes his new mistress very happy.
We still have his son, AM.
CH. Santera Santos v Crest here and his daughter,
Santera Flamin' Flare v Crest who is the dam of a young
male, AM. CH. Santera Mathias v Crest, who finished at
16 months.

Santera Exclusive Premiere
Exclusive Premiere - Phoenix (10 points,
both majors) was named for a purpose. He is the first
offspring of both his parents (Bandee and Punky) and also
the only one in the litter. Bandee is a younger brother
to Remi (Sequoia ex Tempi) who is OFA certified hips/elbows
and CERFed. He is a very sound boy with nice size but
just never matured as we had hoped. Phoenix, his son,
has a lot more body, bone, and head than his sire. Phoenix
is GDC certified good hips/elbows, OFA good hips and eyes
CERFed. He was shown at a number of shows when he was
a year old, and picked up 10 points which included both
majors. Phoenix has been bred to several of our girls
- AM. CH. Santera Lyrical
Sheena, Santera Flamin' Flare v Crest, and AM.
CH. Santera Lucka v Crest. There are several offspring
that we have kept here to show such as Diva,
Jolie, and a little female
out of Lucka. |

Santera Glorianna v Crest
Glorianna v Crest -
Glory, is a very sound and healthy female, but is
a little over marked. Her dam, Punky, only had one male
in her first litter. In Glory's litter she had 3 boys and
one girl, Glory, so we decided that even though she had
a little more white on her leg than we desired we would
keep her here to be considered for breeding quality. Glory
comes from an excellent pedigree. Her sire, AM. CH. De-Li's
Shaping the Future, was 10 years old when she was conceived.
Glory is GDC Excellent hips, elbows clear, CERF, and vWD
clear. She is a sweet girl that loves everyone even though
we have not shown her. She has had one litter of 12 by AM.
CH. Always An Angel that were all perfectly marked.

AM. CH. Santera Lyrical Sheena |
CH. Santera Lyrical Sheena - Sheena, is
a happy-go-lucky girl. She is her mothers daughter.
It takes me at least 2 shows to get her settle down to
do what she needs to do. She just has too much fun the
first few days. At her first show, the Potomace Valley
Bernese Mountain Dog Club Specialty, she won Winners Bitch
and Best of Winners for 5 pts. at eighteen months. She
picked up 4 other points quite quickly before taking maternity
leave in the winner of 2001. She finished in the spring
of 2002 with 3 majors. She has GDC clear elbows and GDC
excellent hips. She had her hips redone again at 2 yrs.
and received an OFA Good. She has had her eyes checked
and has been CERFed. We thank her co-breeder, Carol Lingley,
for helping to show her to her last 6 points. |

Sunshines Bountiful Harvest |
Bountiful Harvest, known to all of us as Bounder
(7 points, one major), is a very special house dog that
we bought from Dan and Celia Cuellar in California. We were
so impressed by his sire, AM. CAN. CH. Sunshines Mt.
Shasta Born To Win and his sire, Winston, that we decided
we would like a boy from the breeding of Dakota and Crissy,
a Donar daughter. The pedigree was excellent and one that
we could hopefully use with our girls. Bounder has achieved
many of the goals we had hoped he would. He has a great
personality, super orthopedics (GDC Excellent hips/elbows,
OFA Excellent hips, and CERFed), and is producing some lovely
pups with our girls. He has 7 pts. on his championship (one
major). He has a lot of body but is on the smaller side.
We are anxious to watch his kids grow up. |

Santera Ria Remembrance
Ria Remembrance - Remi, is now 8 years old.
She was born about the time that Rio died; therefore, her
name was given for her great grandsire. She has been a great
producer and dam. She has given us our AM.
CH. Santera Santos v Crest and his sister Santera Flamin'
Flare v Crest (the dam of CH. Santera Mathias v Crest) from
the breeding with our AM. CH.
Santera Blazin' Fire v Crest. From the breeding with
AM. CAN. CH. Lowenzehn Reason to Believe she gave us our
Santera Believe In Me (Best of Opposite Sex in Sweeps at
PVBMDC Specialty) and AM. CH.
Santera I'm A Believer Still . From her breeding to
Sunshines Bountiful Harvest
she gave us AM. CH. Santera Kobi
v Crest, Santera Evening Masquerade (ptd.) and Santera
Vintage Millenium (ptd). Remi is OFA Good/Cerfed. |

AM. CH. Santera Santos v Crest
CH. Santera Santos v Crest - Santos, was so named
because he was such a little saint as a puppy. He was
the one who always had to be in my lap, the one that was
a fuzz ball with all that bone, and the one I decided
I had to keep. As a young puppy he went Best Puppy in
Match at the Potomac Valley Bernese Mountain Dog Club
Match. He was shown several times at 6 months in outdoor
shows and ended up going Reserve and Best Puppy at one
of the shows. He was so nice and I was so anxious to get
him out that I made the mistake of taking him to an indoor
show that was very very crowded, very noisy, and all very
new to him. It took me a long time to get him over that
bad experience. I finally decided that he was too nice
not to finish so decided that he would do better if someone
other than myself show him. Sindi Leo saw his potential
and offered to take him. She did a great job with him.
She took him to her home at the end of July and had him
at his first show the first weekend in September. By the
first weekend in December he had 12 points shown very
sparingly and needed only one more major to finish. In
January he cut his large front paw very badly and had
to have stitches to repair it. He then came home so that
we could care for him here. Another friend, Carol Lingley,
finished him for us. Santos, as you can imagine, is quite
a big teddy bear and thinks he is our special baby. He
is OFA Good, GDC elbows, and CERFed. He was linebred to
2 females and 3 of the 4 that have been x-rayed so far
have received GDC Excellent hips and clear elbows. |

AM. CH. Santera Punkianna
v Crest |
CH. Santera Punkianna v Crest - better known to
her friends as Punky, was co-bred by John and Gloria
Woodson. They are the co-owners of Santera Tob Melody
Noel who is Punky's dam. Punky was a beautiful puppy at
6 weeks old and never really changed. She had perfect
markings, attitude, bone, and movement. She finished her
championship at 15 months. She is OFA certified hips/elbows
and CERFed. In her first litter she produced only one
pup, Santera Exclusive Edition (10 pts. - both majors/
GDC good hips/elbows CERFed). The next time we bred her
we used CH. Deli's Shaping the Future who was ten years
old. We only got 4 pups - one female. We kept the young
female since she was the only female puppy that Punky
had produced. She is called Santera
Glorianna v Crest. Glory got GDC Excellent hips/elbows
clear and is CERFed. Punky had her next litters out of
Sunshines Bountiful Harvest
(Bounder), AM. CAN. CH. Lowenzehn's Reason To Believe,
and our import from Norway, CH.
Always An Angel. Now that Punky is retired from the
whelping box we hope to sit back and watch some of her
kids in the breed ring. We just hope they have some of
the fire and spunk that she does.
Memorial: Our beloved Punky
passed away at 11 years and one month. |

AM. CH. Santera Lucka v
Crest |
CH. Santera Lucka v Crest - Lucka,
was a joy to show in conformation. She took a number
of reserves as a puppy. We pulled her until she was
18 months old and then brought her out where she
won three majors from Bred By and finished in 6 weeks.
She is not a big girl but very much like her grandmother, Harmony.
She has lovely bone, markings, movement, and personality.
Her hips and elbows are good and she is CERFed. She
has been bred to CH. De-Li's Look It Up, Sunshines
Bountiful Harvest, CH. Wyemede's Kahuna v Alani,
and to Santera Exclusive
Premiere. She has not had many daughters but
we hope to finally have one from her litter out of
Santera Exclusive Premiere.
Memorial: We did keep
a female, Mika, Santera
Mikaluck v Crest, out of Lucka
so we hope we can keep her
sweet temperament here in our lines. We lost Lucka at 10
years 4 months. We will miss her happy attitude and loving
temperament. |

AM. CH. Santera I'm a Believer Still
CH. Santera I'm a Believer Still - Immy has
a playful attitude at home like her dam and loves to play
with all her toys. Immy is OFA Good, and GDC elbows, and
CERFed. She finished her championship with 4 majors. She
is one of the girls that definitely feels that she is MY
Memorial: Immy - our sweet sweet girl who loved her toys just like her mom, Remi, died at 9 years 4 months. She was buried with one of her favorite toys. May she play with them forever.

Santera Jolie v Crest
Jolie v Crest - Jolie is a lovely female
with good bone and great movement. She is with friends growing
up. We hope that she might be ready to show this next year.
She has GDC hips/elbows clear. She is also vWD genetically
Memorial: Jolie passed away in August 2008 when she was 7.5 years old. |

Beowulf Jenny Lind v Santera
Jenny Lind v Santera - Lindy, is the great
granddaughter of our CH.
Santera Harmony v Crest. She is a very sound female
with a fantastic personality. She loves the world and
everyone in it. She was shown at 18 months and got several
Reserve Majors. She was bred to Santera
Exclusive Premiere and CH.
Always An Angel. Lindy is GDC Excellent hips/clear
elbows and CERFed.
Memorial: In Sept 2008, Lindy passed away one month shy of her 10th birthday.

Santera Special Contender
Special Contender - Tenny is out of AM.
CAN. CH. Lowenzehn's Reason To Believe and our AM.
CH. Santera Punkianna v Crest. He was a year old in
Dec. 2002. He is a shows a lot of type although he is
not a big boy. He has a lovely head, coat, body, and personality.
His preliminary OFA ratings are good hips/clear elbows.
His eyes have been CERFed and he is vWD genetically clear.
Memorial: Tenny was a beautiful boy who we never showed but a few times. He had his own ideas as to how to stand and how to work in the show ring so we just decided that he won the battle. We will always remember him running around the backyard until he was called. He had a lot of spirit but was a good boy. He was only bred one time but we have some lovely dogs that come down from him. He was 8 years old. |

AM. CH. Kadoo's Gannon v
Santera |
CH. Kadoos Gannon v Santera - Gannon,
came from Kathy Donohew and her Swiss import Benno and CH.
Dallybecks K Swiss. I had seen the first breeding
of Gannons parents and thought that a puppy from the
second breeding might be beneficial to our girls. Gannon
did give us two of our best when bred to Santera Tob Melody
Noel (Sequoia ex Harmony daughter) and Santera
Changing Tempo (AM. CH. Deli Standing Ovation daughter
ex Harmony). The girls from those litters that we have here
that have done well for us are CH.
Santera Punkianna v Crest who finished at 15 months
and CH. Santera Lucka
v Crest who finished at 18 months (finished in 6 weeks).
Both girls are OFA certified hips/elbows and CERFed as was
Gannon. Gannon was a standard size boy who was very sound
with a great temperament. After finishing him and using
him on our girls, we had few females left to breed him to.
Visitors who came to our kennel who had just lost a dog
very much like him wanted him as their house dog so we let
him go when he was a little over four years of age. |

Santera Diva's Fired Up |
Santera Diva’s Fired Up
who is another
granddaughter of both Remi and Punky has only been bred once
but we are very pleased with her pups also. Diva has both her
majors but due to her chewing wood she has lost front teeth
and can no longer be shown. Diva goes back to our oldest
section of our pedigree. She is a Phoenix daughter and her dam is a sister to Santos who is a granddaughter of our Ariel. Ariel was the first
Berner we linebred. She was linebred to our AM.
CH. Santera Rio Grando v Crest and his sister Fiery.
Diva is just beginning her show career. She was a year old
in Feb. 2003. She has a good preliminary rating on her hips/elbows
and is genetically clear of vWD. We hope to have a lot of
fun with her. She is one of our favorites.
Memorial: She had both majors and died at 8 years of age. |

AM. CH. Always An
CH. Always An Angel - our Cherub,
is from Norway. I met the breeder of his sire, Nor. CH.
Newton av Milkcreek, at the Swiss Breeding Seminar in
Switzerland in September of 2000. She helped me contact
the breeder of Cherub. Cherub was named by his breeder
according to his personality. He is a good boy. He has
a great personality and also happens to be an exceptionally
sound boy with lovely bone, coat, movement, and dark eye.
We finished Cherub's championship at 23 months with limited
showing. He is GDC Good hips/elbows, OFA hips Good, Cerfed,
and vWD clear. At this time and point, Cherub has one
champion son, several offspring that are pointed, and
several with obedience titles.
Cherub produces some lovely bone, angles and coat to
most of his puppies. Unless he is bred to a large female
he will not give you more size than what he is although
you may get more bone. His pups have been healthy and
had good temperaments. Many of his offspring are in performance
events and have done well. He weighs between 95-100 pounds
. He was born in 2000. He is an import from champion parents
in Norway.
Memorial: On August 22, 2010, we lost our Angel from Norway, just 2 months shy of his 10th birthday. Cherub was my boy and bonded with me the night we rode home from the airport on his trip from Norway. He sat in my lap the entire way. His breeders said they named him "Always An Angel " because that reflected his personality. He lived up to that name. He was a dog who was friendly with everyone and lived a very healthy life. |

AM. CH. Santera Kobi v Crest
CH. Santera Kobi v Crest - Kobi, is one of
Remi's offspring out of Bounder. He has an outstanding temperament.
Before he was two he was shown very sparingly, but did accumulate
several major reserves and several points. Shortly after
his second birthday we started showing him more frequently.
He picked up 4 majors within a 6 weeks period and finished
his championship in style. Kobi is GDC good hips/elbows,
CERFed, and vWD clear. His brother, Santera's Millennium
Bordeaux, and his sister Santera Evening Masquerade, are
also both pointed.
Memorial: Kobi lived to be almost 11.5 years old. |

Santera Concho v Crest |
Concho v Crest - Concho was
born in February 2005. He is a nephew of CH.
Santera Santos v Crest and one of the few dogs here
that we have that goes back to our, Fiery, Santera Starfire
v Crest (a sister to 4 champions out of our breeding of
CH. Alex von Weissenberg and our AM.
CH. Santera Chastity v Bev’s). Concho resembles
our Santos more than any other puppy we have produced here.
We kept him here due to that reason. Santos had an inoperable
tumor right before his 9th birthday and we knew we were
going to lose him soon. Concho helped us ease the pain in
losing our Santos who was always so special to us.
Concho has lovely bone and coat and is a nice moving boy.
He has not been shown but has been x-rayed by OFA and has
OFA good hips/normal elbows. He is CERFed and he is genetically
clear of vWD. We hope to get him out and about soon.
Memorial: We miss Concho dearly. He was my best bud and loved me best of all. What a beautiful boy he was. He was. |

AM. CH. Santera Original
AM. CH. Santera
Original Kahill - Kahill was shown a few times when he was 16 months old and picked up a few points. Then he lost his puppy coat and we put him away for a year. When we brought him out at 2.5 years, we found that he did not like to show in the hot summer. We thought we would wait for fall, but by that time he was out of coat. We found we were limited to showing him in the springtime. We picked up all of his points except for one major showing in very few shows each year. We often traveled to the Nationals in the springtime which often took place during our local shows so there were no shows for him. Finally, in July 2007, I decided I was just going to retire him lacking one major. In the fall of 2008, with Kahill being 6 years and 9 months, I looked at him in the backyard and said to myself that he really looked good. It was fall and he had coat and it was cooler. I entered him in 2 shows and on the final day he went Winners Dog for a 4 point major. Needless to say that made our day!
Kahill has 3 champion sons from one litter. In that litter there were 5 dogs x-rayed and all passed their hips and elbows. In another litter from which Kayla came from, three were x-rayed and passed hips and elbows. One of those is working well in obedience with titles, another has a Canadian Championship and is pointed now in the states, and the third, Kayla, was slow to mature but in her second outing went BEST ADULT in at the Potomac Valley Bernese Mt. Dog Club sanctioned match in the fall of 2008. I also bred him to Tia and got Turina who has hips/elbows that are good and normal. He seems to be strong in throwing good orthopedics. He has been tested normal for vWD by VET Gen and has had his eyes CERFed.
Memorial: We lost Kahill in July 2013. He was 11.5 years old. He gave us a scare when he was 7 years old but we did not give up on him and pulled him through. I still believe it was some sort of tick issue which was never completely diagnosed but it took 3 doctors and lots of patience and lots of care to get him through that time. I didn't complete his championship till he was 6 years old as I was busy judging in the spring and by the time the summer and fall shows came around he was always out of coat. This one year I looked at him in October and said to myself how nice he looked so took him out and he finished his championship. He probably hadn't been shown in over a year. He was a great boy with a lovely personality who gave his offspring lots of good orthopedic ratings. We still have several of his grandkids here who we hope carry on his personality and longevity.
Santera Zevaluck v Crest
Santera Zevaluck v Crest - Zeva is the only offspring we have here out of our lovely Mika (our Lucka daughter). She is a very sound girl with OFA Good hips and clear elbows. She is genetically clear of vWD and her eyes have been CERFed. She has also been DM tested and came back Normal. She is a lovely moving girl and can carry a nice coat. She is a sweet girl but has not been shown.
Memorial: Zeva left us way too soon. We had great hopes for her and hoped to get another offspring from her as nice as her lovely daughter, Jada (Santera Jadaluck v Crest) out of Ch. Lewa's Old Dan Tucker. She was a great mother although we never got her bred till she was 4 years old and then we lost her in 2013 at her 6th birthday. She had a lot of longevity behind her so she left us much before her time. She was a loyal and loving companion. |

Yadigar av Milkcreek
av Milkcreek - Yadi arrived from
Norway at 8 weeks. His sire is from Sweden and his dam is
our AM. CH. Always an Angel's grandmother. He grew from
a small 12 pound puppy to a large boy. He weighed 100 pounds
at 17 months which is very unusual for my boys since I do
watch their weight closely. He has a fantastic personality.
He is very easy going but a very smart boy. He makes a great
house dog. He has lovely angles front and rear with a good
tail carriage and nice markings. His coat is very straight
and is going to be quite heavy. His head is a soft expression
but is a little longer in muzzle than what we often see
here. I think he will fill out more as he ages. He is a
little longer in body and not quite as fluid a mover as
Cherub. His hips are OFA certified. He did get a grade one
in one elbow at 2 years although he passed both his elbow
prelims at one year. He is genetically clear of vWD.
Yadi is producing some sweet dogs with nice size and lovely
coats. He has had some very nice moving offspring with better
head types than he has himself. Angles on his pups are usually
very good front and rear and many of his pups have been
shorter in body than he is. His oldest pup was born in 2005
so we are still watching his offspring grow up.
Memorial: Yadi passed away at 10.5 years. |

Santera Pipit v Crest
Pipit v Crest - Pipit is a true
daughter of her mother, Punky and her sire, Bounder.
She loves life and is quite a happy girl. She carries a
lovely coat and has a lot of body even though she is not
a big female. She has a GDC Excellent on her hips with clear
elbows. She is CERFed and vWD genetically clear.
Memorial: Pipit passed away at 11.5 years. |

Santera Kyrie’s
Prelude |
Kyrie’s Prelude - Kyrie has given us some very lovely pups. She is one of our taller
females with a great personality. She is one of our Phoenix daughters that has continued to produce some typey and sound
babies for us. She is the dam of Tavi and Yoni. Yoni was born in June of 2005 so we are having
fun watching him grow up.
Memorial: Kyrie passed away at 10 years. |

Santera Mikaluck v Crest |
Mikaluck v Crest - Mika is a lovely young female who has the size her dam, Lucka,
lacked. She is a sweet as her parents and loves to go
to the shows so she can jump into everyone's lap. Mika
won Best Puppy at the Potomac Valley Bernese Specialty
Match at 7 months and went on to take Best Berner in Match.
She was shown on a limited basis from the 6-9 mo. puppy
class and ended up with a number of class wins over competition
and a Reserve to a major. She will be out and about more
as she grows up but we are very pleased with this sweet
young girl.
Memorial: Mika passed away at nearly 9 years. |

Santera Sennianna v Crest
Sennianna v Crest - Senna is a very sound typey female. She is a beautiful mover with
great angles front and rear and a lovely personality. She
is OFA Good with clear elbows, eyes have been CERFed, and
she is genetically clear of vWD disease.
Memorial: Senna passed away at nearly 10 years. |

Santera Arctic Tearose
Arctic Tearose - Tia, our little rose from
AM. CH. Arctic Rose av Milkcreek, was taken from the Sunshine
Kennel as a stud puppy. Rose is special to us as she stopped
here on her way to CA from Norway when she was a puppy of
12 weeks.
Her sire is our Santera Special
Contender, better known to us as Tenny. We went to California
to pick Tia up and brought her home in a Sherpa bag. She
was a perfect angel the entire trip. She was so quiet the
entire trip that no one knew we had her with us. It was
a long trip from CA to MD but she did great.
Tia looks much like her sire but has a little more of her
mother’s attitude. She loves people and enjoys life.
She is OFA good hips/normal elbows and has had her eyes
CERFed and is genetically clear of vWD.
In her first litter Tia proved to be a fantastic mom. She
took great care of her litter. It will be fun to watch them
grow up.
She is proud of her brother, Ch. Sunshines Arctic Star (Hunter)
who finished his championship before his second brother.
Her dam also went Best Brood Bitch at the 2006 BMDCA National
Specialty out of a class of 15. We are all very proud of
both Rose and Hunter.
Memorial: Tia passed away at 8 years. |

Santera Myboy Tavi |
Myboy Tavi - Tavi was born
in Feb. ‘04. His first show was the BMDCA National
in Gettsyburg in ‘05. He really did quite well by
making the final cuts in both is 12-18 mo. class and his
12-15 mo. class in sweepstakes. He had never been away from
home or on indoor mats before that time. He had a great
time looking at everyone and everything as he moved along
in the ring. He is a very sound male with beautiful markings,
a heavy coat, excellent movement, and good head expression.
He has lots of attitude also for those of you who have watched
me try to show him in the ring. We hope to have some fun
with him. He has had his eyes CERFed, his OFA prelims are
hips good/elbows normal. Both his parents were tested by
VET GEN for vWD and were found to be genetically clear of
vWD. Tavi has been shown in the ring and is pointed.
Memorial: We lost our happy boy at age 11 years and 3 months. He was his loving self to the end. Always the one to grab our hand to help lead us around. He will be missed. |
Santera Springtime Splendor
Santera Springtime Splendor - Splendee is a very nice moving female with an outgoing personality. She shows the personality of her sire, Tavi. She is from Tia's last litter. She is not a large female, but very proportionally built with good angles front and rear.
Memorial: Splendee passed away in 2016. |

Santera Tavia’s Cadenza
Santera Tavia’s Cadenza- Addy, born in 7/07, is a lovely young female with great attitude, structure and movement. She is a good representation of both her parents, Tavi and Tia. Addy has proved that she is a special little girl shown to the right judges. She took 2nd out of 12 in her first show in sweeps under breeder Sharon Groves. She went to the National and even though she was not totally trained went 4th out of 15 in Futurity under breeder/handler Jennie West. At 10 months we put her in handling classes so we could get ready to show her again. She is a super girl in a small package with a lot of attitude.
Update: Addy moved to a new home. |

Santera Tango v Brightwater
Santera Tango v Brightwater who is better know to all her friends as Kayla is from Georgeann and Bob Reeve’s Kennel. Her sire is our AM. CH. Santera Original Kahill and her dam, AM. CH. Aquabi’s Dancer of Doriath, is a daughter of AM. CH. Lowenzehn’s Reason To Believe. Kayla was shown once as a puppy but she was slow to mature. She has all her clearances (OFA hips good/elbows normal, vWD genetically clear by parentage and CERF). She was just brought out to show for the PVBMDC Match and ended up with Best Adult in Match.
Update: Kayla moved to a new home. |

Santera Northen Turina
Santera Northen Turina, better know to us as Turina, is a very lovely young girl who was born in Dec. 2005. She has OFA good hips/normal elbows and is genetically clear of vWD and has her eyes CERFed..We have not shown Turina as she has white socks and runners up the inside of her front legs but she is a very pretty girl with beautiful movement, nice coat, and a very nice head. We hope she can add to our gene pool here with her pedigree and soundness in both structure and temperament. |

Santera Northwind Grandeur
Santera Northwind Grandeur - Jettee was born in late November of 2008. He was the only surviving puppy from Turina's C-section. What a beautiful baby he was. He has been growing into a lovely boy. He has the sweetest temperament and is like a big lanky teenager growing up. At 15 months he is still growing. He has a good on his OFA hip prelims and a normal on his OFA elbow prelims. He had his eyes checked and they were also normal. He is clear of vWD by parentage and also both his parents were tested normal by the DNA DM test. |
Santera Kenzee Wind Harp
Kenzee Wind Harp– Kenzee (b. 2006) is a very friendly, sound, female. She was only shown once as a puppy and placed in a large class (12) at PVBMDC Specialty. She has all her clearances (OFA good, elbows normal, CERF, genetically clear of vWD, and DM tested normal. She produced a lovely litter out of Journey in April 2012. We hope to do a repeat breeding. She is a daughter of our Yadi (from Norway) and our Kyrie ( Kahill's sister). |
Santera Carolina MTN Trillium
Santera Carolina MTN Trillium – Ashlee’s mother is out of our AM. CH. Always An Angel and Santera Flamin’ Flare v Crest, a niece to our AM. CH. Santera Santos v Crest. She is a very balanced and lovely girl who is about a month younger than Addy (b. 7/07). We named her Ashlee as we had to drive through Asheville, NC, to pick her up. She has well received also under a number of judges. In her first show at 6 months she won the Sweepstakes class of 12 under breeder Sharon Groves. At 9mo. she won WB for her first point. At her next show at 11 month she won another point and a reserve the following day. She has a OFA good on her prelims with normal elbows. She is a well behaved young girl and we hope to have some fun with her as she grows up. |
Journey van't Stokerybos |
Journey van't Stokerybos - Journey (b. 2010 ) was brought in from Belgium. His dam and his sire are both champions in Belgium with clearances in both hips and elbows. He has lovely bone, coat, and angles, and a good personality. Journey has his OFA clearances on both his hips and elbows, is CERFed, and vWD tested normal. He just sired his first litter out of our Kenzee, a Yadi daughter, which had great markings and some very nice heads and bone. We are keeping his son, Santera Crowning Point, here to grow out. |
Santera Crowning Point
Santera Crowning Point- Ferris (b. April 2012) is the full brother of Lizzie. He is a happy boy. His OFA hip prelims were good with normal elbows. He is also clear of vWD by parentage, has his eye clearances, and has tested DM normal. He has just sired his first litter being bred to a daughter of our AM. Ch. Always An Angel. He has a great personality. |
Santera Captivating Nightwind
Santera Captivating Nightwind - Nettee, (b. 2011) is the only offspring we were able to get from our Jettee, Santera Northwind Grandeur, before he went sterile. We had hoped to use Jettee on a number of our girls as he is the easiest dog to live with and has such great type with good health clearances. He produced two litters and one was from Nettee's mom who we bred so we took a stud puppy. Nettee's dam has produced some lovely dogs bred to Jettee's sire before Jettee.
Nettee is a sweet girl with a lovely head. She is a big girl like her sire and weighs 93 pounds at 2 years. She is OFA good, elbows normal, genetically of vWD and also DM as both her parents were tested for DM. She has also had her eyes checked. I think Nettee will get even nicer as she ages and matures. She will be bred in the spring of 2013. |
Santera On My Way
Santera On My Way - Tennille, (b. 2010) is out of our Turina's last litter. Her sire is from the Ch. Lewa Take the Points and has all his health clearances. Tennille has OFA good hips and normal elbows, genetically clear of vWD due to parentage, eyes CERFed, and is genetically normal of DM due to parentage. She produced her first litter in the fall of 2013. She is a tall girl who was a slow maturer. She is a very happy girl. |
Michaudville Tamon Tosolo |
Michaudville Tamon Tosolo- Tamon (b. 2010) was brought in from Quebec, Canada. He has some very interesting dogs in his pedigree that have lots of bone and size. He is a good natured boy with a nice short back, good bone, great coat, and nice moving. He is OFA good on his hips, OFA elbows normal, genetically clear of vWD, and CERFed. He was just bred to a AM. Ch. Always An Angel daughter (2012) and produced 7 puppies. |
Santera Jadaluck v Crest
Santera Jadaluck v Crest - Jada is a very sound girl with a lovely temperament. She was born in 2011 and has good hips, prelim elbows normal, genetically clear of DM SOD A from parentage and vWD, and has had her eyes checked normal. She also tested DM SOD B normal. She is one of our larger girls and is an excellent mover. She likes to show outside, but not indoors as she does not like the flooring. I had hoped to show her but my knees gave out and so it is not to be. I am especially glad that Jada has taken us back into our bloodlines where we have an easy breeder and a free whelper. In her first litter, whelped June 13, 2014, she gave us 6 pups - 4 females and 2 males. She is a granddaughter of our Santera Mikaluck v Crest who was also a great girl with sweet disposition and goes back to Lucka and Tempi - two of our best from the past. She does have one daughter that has been shown and is pointed. |
Santera Chariot of Fire
Santera Chariot of Fire - Beckham has proved to be an excellent stud dog. We have bred him to both our Santera Jadaluck v Crest and Santera Diamond Jubilee several times and he has produced some lovely pups in both type and temperament. Most of his offspring are in pet homes, but he does have one daughter who has been shown a few times and is pointed. Beckham is OFA good hips/normal elbows, genetically clear of vWD, eyes checked by a specialist, and is normal on both DM SOD A and DM SOD B, a neurological problem. |
Santera Diamond Jubilee
Santera Diamond Jubilee - Lizzie, (b. April 2012) was named after Queen Elizabeth's 50 year celebration of being on the thrown; thus, comes her call name of Lizzie. She is a lovely girl with OFA good hips and normal elbows, genetically clear of vWD by parentage, and eye clearances. Lizzie is a carrier of DM SOD A but is normal on SOD B. Overall she is a very sound girl with great markings, personality, and movement. She could be a little larger but is a lovely girl. She has a very interesting pedigree so hope she can add much to our breeding program. She breeds naturally and whelps naturally. We have a lovely daughter of her here now Santera Kateel's Country Pride who has had prelims of OFA normal hips/elbows, eyes normal, and is DM SOD A and SOD B that we hope to show soon. Kateel did go Best Puppy in Match at the PVBMDC Fall match in 2016. |
Lewa's Windstorm v Santera
Lewa's Windstorm v Santera - (b. 2014) Storm is a lovely boy with great temperament and type. We bought him as a baby from Lewa Kennels as his dam is a daughter of our beloved Santera Northwind Grandeur (Jettee). Storm is genetically clear of vWD. His eyes have been checked by a specialist. His hips are OFA good. At a year both his elbows were normal but at 2 years he came back with one elbow grade one. Both his parents have hip/elbow numbers as does 2 of his full litter sisters. He is normal on both DM SOD A and DM SOD B. Storm has produced 2 litters thus far and both have had some lovely pups in them. We kept one pup from our Shona that we call Memory. |
Szeryf z Deikowej Doliny
Szeryf z Deikowej Doliny - Venture will be 3 years old on Oct. 4, 2019. We brought him over from a breeder in Poland who we have known for a number of years. We really liked her dogs so sat and watched till she had a litter we were very interested in. Venture came from a large litter (9 of them were boys) so I felt we could get something nice from those numbers and the parents that were producing them. He arrived when he was 4 months old and came out of the crate the same way as he lives life. He loves everyone and yet he is sensitive and responds well when asked to not do something.
He has done well on his health clearances. He is genetically tested normal on DM SOD A and DM SOD B. He has had his eyes checked and is registered with OFA. He was genetically tested for vWD and came back normal. His prelims on his OFA hips are good and his OFA prelim on his elbows are normal.
We have shown him on a limited basis as he is a big boy and I cannot handle him as I have difficulty reaching his rear to stack him. He does have 5 points (one 4 point major) with limited showing. We are just playing around with him at the shows right now just so he knows what it all means but don't expect him to be fully mature until he is at least 3-4 years of age. We do hope to breed him to Kira in the near future. We have just bred him to Kira and also to another Beckham/Jada daughter, Ziva, who has 10 points, both her majors and all her clearances. (2019). |

Santera Shonaluck v Crest
Santera Shonaluck v Crest - Shona, (b. 2014) is a very sweet girl and a fantastic mother. She had her first litter in June of 2018. She is genetically normal of DM SOD A and DM SOD B. Her eyes have been checked and registered with OFA. She is from genetically normal dogs of vWD and her hips are OFA good and OFA elbows normal. She was bred to our Storm, Lewa's Windstorm v Santera, for her first litter. The pups all have great personalities and look good. |

Santera Dulce Aurora v Lewa
Santera Dulce Aurora v Lewa - Dulce is a lovely girl that could easily be shown and finish her championship if I had gotten her out. Since she was from a totally different bloodline, I was most interested in breeding her to Venture so I could keep a nice male from a different bloodline. I missed her first few season, but finally caughter her on her 3rd season, but used Storm instead as Venture was still young and did not have a sperm count high enough to produce. There were several breeders interested in a male from this breeding, but instead I got only 3 females. I kept Treasure (Santera Light of Day) here and another went to a home where she will be shown and bred. I hope to breed her to Venture in 2019. |